Picture Story class
Friday, April 9, 2010
Broadway Project - Video Export Settings
Thou shalt create a title slide with a text height of 32 point and a byline of 18 points
Thou shalt export a .MOV file using H.264 compression and 24 frames-per-second
Thou shalt export the movie at 800 pixels wide by whatever height makes thy video proportional
(Thou shalt not letterbox)
Thou shalt not export stereo sound, but mono
Thou shalt not covet a smaller file size (100 MB is OK)
Thou shalt not be vain and credit thy Web site at the end of the project
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Update: Meeting Dale Graham
Instead of posting to my own blog (which is frequented by my grandmother and other folks not privy to the photo world), thought I'd touch base and tell you what's happening with my final project...
Upon David R.'s guidance, I contacted a photographer named Dale Graham. He worked as a pharmacist most of his life before turning to photography. Now, one of his pieces ("Windmill on the Prarie") hangs in the Museum of Modern Art. He lives in Fayette, Mo., with his wife Maureen. He still shoots and uses 2 1/4 square and 4x5 film.
He's agreed to meet me in "Downtown" Fayette on Saturday morning. We plan to walk around and talk. I'll, of course, take my camera. We just had a lovely chat on the phone, and I look forward to our initial meeting.
I'll let you know what transpires!
p.s. David R., Dale says, "Hello!"
Monday, March 22, 2010
On Broadway a few years ago...by David R.

Jimmy Greenspon used to call himself "The Mayor of Broadway" - his family for three generations owned a women's clothing store at the corner of 8th & Broadway (where the grey stucco lawyer's office is now located, on the southeast corner.) He never really loved running the business. His degree was in journalism from, you guessed it, the Missouri School of Journalism. He died about four years ago - too young.
(from a scanned tearsheet - this was from the Our Town series, portraits of Columbia.)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Broadway: Start of an idea...

Owner Mills Menser plans to renovate the area where he's sitting to make way for more diamond cases. The shelves to his left and right are empty.

Menser bought the family business from his father, Mike Menser, in 2007. His father still owns the building. The picture of the two hangs at the front of the store.

Part of the area that has been prepared for renovation. A similar photo is posted to my blog.

This building has housed Buchroeder's Jewelers since 1911. It's possibly the oldest business in Columbia, Mo. While the first floor houses Buchroeder's, the second story is comprised of residential apartments.
Although I think it's interesting to find this business in the middle of transition, I still haven't found *the heart* of the story. Any ideas? I welcome feedback...
Monday, March 1, 2010
Broadway Discussion #2
Colleen: Columbia Cemetery
Laura: Broadway Baptist, Second Baptist Church, Mt. Olive Christian, Community Methodist. Buildings that were churches or vice versa
Jessica: Grant Elementary/Walking school bus/Above Broadway
Chris and Lilli: Development/History/Cherry Hill/Widening Broadway/Preservation lady
Mito: Gumby’s ride-along and delivery on Broadway/college bars
Anne: Columbia exchange circle/Bed and Breakfast
Calin: West Boulevard and Broadway stores/People who live on Broadway/Broadway stores/Bank President
David: Architecture/Funky things on Broadway/school of metaphysics
Daisuke: My Sister’s Circus/The Village/ Plato’s Closet/Ellie’s Couture
Other ideas: Food/KPON
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Big thanks to Little Dave

Here's a shout out to David Kennedy, who put me on the straight and narrow regarding exposure compensation, meter choices and other settings on the Nikon D3 body.
Thanks, also, to Chris Dunn, who offered help Monday!
Lillian J. Kelly tries David Kennedy's patience in the photo lab of Lee Hills Hall, Feb. 23, 2010. Photo by Charles Ludeke.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Broadway Ideas
Colleen: religion, cemetery